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  • E.g.g.

    Designer Roman Tubl wasn't concerned with integrating the latest and greatest in his EGG mobile phone concept. He just wanted something functional and easy to use with some eye candy for people who like their phones flashy - literally. The soft rounded body is surrounded by an illuminated red strip. The surface of the phone

    Designer Roman Tubl wasn’t concerned with integrating the latest and greatest in his EGG mobile phone concept. He just wanted something functional and easy to use with some eye candy for people who like their phones flashy - literally.

    The soft rounded body is surrounded by an illuminated red strip. The surface of the phone consists of a flexi true color display for tactile touchscreen feedback. You’ve also got your standard data ports like bluetooth, USB, and Wifi in addition to a 3.2 megapixel camera and a snazzy amount of memory - up to 4 GB.

    Designer: Roman Tubl

  • #2
    il est plutot joli ce phone et spécial

    j'aime bien
    Nobody is perfect !!!
    My name is Nobody.


    • #3
      Vraiment pas mal.


      • #4
        Wai il est vraiment cool et puis niveau caractéristique tout à fait respectable , mnt je ne pense pas qu'il sortira , enfin on ne sait jamais , croisons les doigts

