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Project VCABT

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  • Project VCABT

    Je vous invite à lire ceci :

    Ca fait un moment que je suis l'histoire sur XDA developers mais je ne parviens pas à avoir ce fichier .cab

    Qqn a-t-il pû se le procurer ?

  • #2
    tout est ici le CAB est present et il fonctionne :

    C'est a partir de la page 3 que tout est explique, mais si tu veux tu peux toujours lire a partir de lapage 1.

    Par contre les mecs sont des cakes sur XDA car meme Microsoft en a fait un BLOG et felicite les mecs


    BLOG :

    Copie de XDA du gars qui a trouve la solution :psneddon

    After many, many, hours of trial and error.................... I finally have a function implementation of voice dialling via pressing the call button on my Bluetooth headset Thank goodness - I was about to go mad.

    Here is a quick guide for now - I will post a full guide later or tomorrow as I'm exhausted with this thing now. My specs for reference are - a MDA compact with the latest iMate Jam Rom, and a Bluespoon AX headset.

    There is what I did - maybe not all steps are required but I wont miss any out (if I remember correctly). You will need the attached file along with a registry editor.

    Remember this is only a quick post at I'm tired and its getting late - but I will post a full guide explaining things alot better - this is just for people who cant wait and are a bit technical

    1) Copy the attached file to the \windows folder on the Jam. You must use this one and not the one I told you about a previous post as I have modified it.

    2) Import the attached registry files into the registry. You will have to change the bluetooth device addresses to match your own (or it wont work)

    3) Soft reset your device.

    4) Remove and pair your headset - it answer yes to the questions about the headset and handsfree profile.

    5) Look in the registry for this key (but use the device address for your device which you can obtain just by looking at the name values under the device section)

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Bluetooth\De vice\000e6d8ef421\Services]

    There should be 2 services listed, just delete the key that holds the values for the handsfree profile.

    6) Look at the values under the following key, you may have to change the last number to match your device.

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Au dioGateway\Devices\1]

    Make sure that the service listed matches the headset service, which should be. I think the handfree one starts with 1E,11.

    "Service"=hex:08,11,00,00,00,00,00,10,80,00,00,80, 5F,9B,34,FB

    7) Install Microsoft Voice Commander

    Copy the Voicecmd.exe file from the voice command installation directory and put it in \windows - also rename it to VoiceSignal Launcher.exe (yes thats a space between te Signal and Launcher)

    9) Soft reset and you should be good to go.

    You can check that its working by obvioiulsy pressing the headset button and voice commander will start. But also when you tap on the headset icon at the top of the screen you should see 2 buttons in the bubble (stop handfree and hide)

    Also note that it is still called "Hands free profile" even though its working more like a headset profile. Also note that it is still the speaker and mic in the jam that picks up and relays the voice commands. Maybe a different program will route it?

    I've typed all this very quickly but I hope you understand I'm in a rush but I wanted you all to know the good news

    Paul : :
    ces 2 ZIP sont en page 3 :
    Le CAB est en page 4

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    • #3
      Ca marche impec en tout cas, vivement qu'ils arrivent à transférer le son et micro sur l'oreillette !!!


      • #4
        C'est certain, depui le temps qu'on attendait ça !

        C'est dommage que ça marche avec un main libre (avec fil) et pas avec un (sans fil).

