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Arranger ses contacts par Prénom + Nom

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  • Arranger ses contacts par Prénom + Nom

    Par défault Pocket PC 2003 By Microsoft (voir même 2002 c'est le même problème) arrange les contacts par Nom, Prénom.

    alors que d'autres programmes additionels font le sorting par Prénom, Nom ou contraire etc........ Bref au choix.

    Microsoft ne propose pas de choix (Merci Bill Gates)

    Voici donc (c'est en Anglais mais bon tous les bricoleurs vont comprendre) des fichiers CAB pour arranger sur le Pocket PC les contacts comme on veux (Company, Nom, Prénom ou Nom, Prénom ou Prénom, Nom etc...)


    File As: CompanyName LastName, FirstName plugin ver 1.0
    Here's the first version: v 1.0 (54KB zip install file for ARM, MIPS, SH3 PocketPC, 6KB installed)

    or direct install CABs:
    FileAsCompLF.arm.CAB v 1.0 (6KB)
    FileAsCompLF.mips.CAB v 1.0 (7KB)
    FileAsCompLF.sh3.CAB v 1.0

    Source: v 1.0 (19KB eVC++ 3.0 source)

    FileAs: CompanyName LastName, FirstName plugin (6KB installed)
    Copyright (C) 2003 Richard L. Owens (oe1kenobi at

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

    v. 1.0 31-May-2003: Initial release

    Adds a new "FileAs: Comp L, F" command to the Tools menu in the Contacts app.
    This command sets the FileAs field in a contact to
    CompanyName LastName, FirstName
    So that when you view the contacts "By Name", they display company names for the contacts that have one.
    Contacts that don't have a CompanyName entry are set to just
    LastName, FirstName
    like the default normal.

    Contacts without a FirstName or LastName entry are formatted accordingly
    (without the extra " " or ", ")

    1. Select the contacts you want to re-sort (tap and drag, press Ctrl on the soft keyboard and tap a range, press Shift on the soft keyboard and tap to select/deselect individual contacts, or press Ctrl+a on the soft keyboard to select all, etc.)
    2. Tap Tools->File As: Comp L, F (or tap and hold on the selected contacts and select File As: Comp L, F from there).

    Note: This modification is immediate for the selected contacts and is not undo-able. If you need to manually change the FileAs field, I suggest using Outlook on your PC.

    Also Note: You can set the default sort order for new contacts on both your PocketPC and your PC by changing the settings in Outlook on your PC. The setting is found in Tools->Options->Preferences tab->Contact Options in Outlook XP 2002.

    Examples (Test Cases):
    John Doe of Acme is filed as "Acme Doe, John"
    Jane (first name only) of Acme is filed as "Acme Jane"
    Smith (last name only) of Acme is filed as "Acme Smith"
    BetaSoft (company name only) is filed as "BetaSoft"
    Neo (first name only) is filed as "Neo"
    Dent (last name only) is filed as "Dent"

    Run the FileAsCompLFSetup.exe file on your PC.

    Any questions or requests, please email me or post on this brighthand discussion thread where this app was conceived.

    Here's the same thing but for the "FileAs: CompanyName FirstName LastName" format. v 1.0 (54KB zip install file for ARM, MIPS, SH3 PocketPC, 6KB installed)

    or direct install CABs:
    FileAsCompFL.arm.CAB v 1.0 (6KB)
    FileAsCompFL.mips.CAB v 1.0 (7KB)
    FileAsCompFL.sh3.CAB v 1.0

    Source: v 1.0 (19KB eVC++ 3.0 source)


    Note: if you install both plugins, the order on the Menu is disctated by the order you install them. So, to make it alphabetical, uninstall FileAsCompLF, install FileAsCompFL, then reinstall FileAsCompLF.

    Note that contacts without a CompanyName, FirstName, or LastName entry are skipped by these plugins, as they are totally being defined by their current FileAs entry.

    EDIT3: 10-June-2003
    [b]Here's the same thing but for the "FileAs: FirstName LastName" and "FileAs: LastName, FirstName" formats. v 1.0 (54KB zip install file for ARM, MIPS, SH3 PocketPC, 6KB installed)

    or direct install CABs:
    FileAsFL.arm.CAB v 1.0 (6KB)
    FileAsFL.mips.CAB v 1.0 (6KB)
    FileAsFL.sh3.CAB v 1.0

    Source: v 1.0 (19KB eVC++ 3.0 source)


    Here's the same thing but for the "FileAs: LastName, FirstName" format. This just defaults the contact back. v 1.0 (54KB zip install file for ARM, MIPS, SH3 PocketPC, 6KB installed)

    or direct install CABs:
    FileAsLF.arm.CAB v 1.0 (6KB)
    FileAsLF.mips.CAB v 1.0 (6KB)
    FileAsLF.sh3.CAB v 1.0

    Source: v 1.0 (19KB eVC++ 3.0 source)


    Note that you can't have more than 5 plugins show up on the Tools menu.

    -Richard L. Owens
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    (Photos By Bruxelles5)

  • #2
    Merci pour tous ces tips BXL5 !

